Special Links


LinksTo help you create, find inspiration and information, or just plain shop, we have included some special links for you.


Click on the text highlighted in red. We provide these links in good faith, but cannot be responsible for the content on other sites.


Where to find our magazines:


If you are after places to find our magazines in person, please click HERE.


Recommended Suppliers:


We have set aside a whole series of pages, divided into different categories linking to some Recommended Suppliers


Exhibitions and Festivals:


Alice Springs Beanie Festival – a community-based event that began in 1997 with a ‘beanie party’, organised by Adi Dunlop. The festival was organised to sell beanies crocheted by Aboriginal women in remote communities. It has grown into a fun event where Aboriginal and non- Aboriginal artists share their culture and exhibit together. The festival’s aims have always been to develop Aboriginal women’s textiles, promote womens’ culture and the beanie as a regional art form, as well as promote handmade textile arts. Women from the Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women’s Council give demonstrations of Indigenous methods of spinning and basketry each festival. 


Australian Fibre Art Award – The Australian Fibre Art Award (AFAA) is a biennial juried non-acquisitive award of $2000. Contemporary fibre artists, working in any style of media, from across Australia are invited to enter. 


Australian Textile Art Award – The Australian Textile Art Award (ATAA) is a biennial juried non-acquisitive award of $2000. Contemporary textile artists, working in any style of media, from across Australia are invited to enter. 


Other relevant exhibitions and festivals are listed in the Subscriber-Only Newsletter, the link to which is mailed to subscribers in each quarterly post out of our magazines. They may also appear on our Facebook timeline


Guilds and Societies:


ATASDA (Australian Textile Arts and Surface Design Association Inc) – NSW, QLD, VIC groups – promotes textile art and surface design and those who create it. They seek to inspire their  membership through the development of a creative community and the provision of opportunities for learning new skills. They encourage the use of a diverse range of techniques for artistic expression including printing, dyeing, painting, felting, embroidery and the integration of different materials such as paper, metal, wax and glass. This national not-for-profit organisation connects those who are inspired by textile art and wish to be excited by its possibilities.


Canberra Region Feltmakers – Canberra, ACT – has existed since the early ’90s to support and encourage all those interested in this versatile and exceptionally creative activity. Although based in Canberra, their membership spans not only the local region, but Sydney and the rest of NSW, and also includes a number of interstate and international members.


Handspinners and Weavers Guild of South Australia – Adelaide, SA  – help maintain skills and techniques that have been passed down for generations and encourage the development of new techniques and ideas that make our crafts more relevant to modern lifestyles. Their aim is to promote the growth of spinning, weaving and associated crafts, which are part of the heritage of the world.


Hand Weavers and Spinners Guild of NSW – Sydney, NSW – The Guild brings together people who practice the arts of hand weaving, spinning and associated crafts and fosters and encourages the crafts by instruction, discussion and exhibition.


Queensland Bookbinders’ Guild – Tarragindi, QLD – formed to foster, encourage and practice the craft of bookbinding and associated graphic and paper arts. Through meetings, courses, exhibitions and publications we teach and promote traditional and modern bookbinding skills so that members can produce classic and modern bindings of individual style and design.


Surface Design Association – International – The Surface Design Association is an international organization focused on inspiring creativity, encouraging innovation, and advocating for artistic excellence as the global leader in textile-inspired art and design. Our mission is to promote awareness and appreciation of textile-inspired art and design through publications, exhibitions, and conferences.


The Embroiderers Guild NSW – Sydney, NSW – a non-profit body open to anyone and everyone who loves to stitch or would like to further their knowledge through courses and workshops. Their office phone number is 02 9743 2501. You may also like to visit and like their Facebook page.


The Embroiderers Guild, VIC – Melbourne, VIC – a state-wide organisation devoted to teaching and learning about all forms of embroidery and textile arts. They run classes, exhibitions, and all sorts of stitching sessions, covering weekdays, evenings and weekends. They give advice, have an amazing library, put on regular displays, and have a museum quality Collection of traditional and contemporary embroidery. Please check their website for information regarding the various branches around the state of Victoria.


The Victorian Feltmakers – Melbourne, VIC –  a not-for-profit organisation with over 100 members ranging from beginners to advanced feltmakers. They meet regularly to share the latest feltmaking techniques and keep up-to-date with happenings in the world of felt with natural and synthetic fibres. The organisation is all about sharing and supporting the development of the feltmaking community. Membership is available to feltmakers of all skill levels.


WAFTA – Perth, WA – The Western Australian Fibre and Textile Association (WAFTA) was founded in 1995 and is a dynamic and progressive group with passion, enthusiasm and talent that reflects the growing interest and appreciation of textile and fibre art within the community. WAFTA’s members include both established and emerging artists who between them employ a diverse range and combination of fibre and textile processes incorporating combinations of traditional, contemporary and experimental techniques. WAFTA’s objectives include increasing the understanding of the potential of fibre and textiles through exhibition, whilst encouraging the highest standard of design and craftsmanship.




If you would like your Guild or Society included in this list, please contact us HERE for consideration.