Contributor Guidelines


Magazine titlesWe are always on the lookout for new contributors to our magazines and encourage submissions from experienced as well as new aspiring designers and writers, along with anyone who has a good idea that they think may be publishable. You may have an article in mind, a pattern or project, a technique, an exhibition review, or wish to introduce us to yourself for an artist profile or inclusion in one of the reader galleries.


We encourage emerging and existing designers to be true to their own design ideas and styles – by publishing you, we can help you launch and/or grow your business. Over time we have received a tremendous amount of positive feedback from our contributors e.g. after appearing in our publications, they found their whole year booked with workshops, or an increase in work orders and sales of existing items . We are proud that we can help our contributors achieve this and look to continue this tradition.


Submissions are also accepted for our blog and are subject to the same terms and conditions as those for our magazine submissions.



Our Contributor Guidelines may be downloaded HERE.