Welcome to ArtWear Publications Pty Ltd, home of Australia’s own well-respected craft and lifestyle magazines


Yarn | Felt | Embellish | Textile | Vintage Made





Update: Friday 26th July: Most of our direct email capabilities have been “offline” all this week, unable to send or receive – it is being worked on, so hopefully will be back “online” soon. Any emails from the contact page have not been making it through to us. We suspect we will have an avalanche of emails once the problem is fixed.


OOPS! – Apologies to our hard copy subscribers – a technical glitch meant that your notification on your address label regarding when your subscription finishes did not print on the June issues’ address labels. Rest assured, if you did NOT have an alarm clock with “time to renew” on the address label and did NOT have a red renewal reminder flyer inserted in the magazine, your subscription will still have at least another issue to go ☺. If you are concerned regarding your subscription end-date, please contact us and we’ll let you know.

Yes, we’ve dropped the price of more back issues of Felt, Embellish, Yarn, Textile Fibre Forum and Vintage Made magazines – some as low as $7.40 each! (Includes shipping within Australia.) Take advantage of our back issues offer as well – purchase 6 and pay for 5 ☺ (Vintage Made is not included in the back issues offer).


Due to the large April 2024 postage charge increase by Australia Post, we can no longer keep our subscriptions at the low price that they were. It simply is not viable. We are still able to give you a small reduction if you take out a two-year subscription or a bundle subscription. The new pricings are effective immediately as the subscriptions/renewals currently start with the June 2024 issues.


Looking to take out a new subscription OR renew your subscription? Click HERE to choose your magazine(s) or HERE for special bundles (Vintage Made is not included in the bundles).  There are two issues per year for Vintage Made and Felt (each June and December), and four issues per year for Embellish, Yarn and Textile Fibre Forum (each March, June, September and December).


Your subscription or subscription renewal will begin with the NEXT issue to be published, to ensure we don’t double up on any magazines you may already have. If you wish to start with the CURRENT issue or any previous issues, you will need to purchase those issues separate to your subscription.


Cut-off dates for subscriptions/renewals to next issue available:

Subscription start with March issue, order by 15th February

Subscription start with June issue, order by 15th May

Subscription start with September issue, order by 15th August

Subscription start with December issue, order by 15th November







Knit, crochet, spin, weave, felt and more!

Be inspired by all things FELT!

Textile and fibre arts, and mixed media.

An iconic Australian textile art magazine.

Immerse yourself in all things VINTAGE!

Check out our range of patterns and PDFs


We have been getting together some great suggestions for Christmas gifts for you which we think you’ll like – either for yourself (we all could do with a bit of spoiling ) or to gift to a special person. Please click on the business names......

  Spring is springing and with it our creativity!    We have some great suggestions here for you –  to inspire you and get you creating ♥ Click on the links coloured red!   We’ll add to them as more ideas, products and offers come......

Author: Carole Douglas Carole provided so many wonderful photos for her Postcard in Embellish issue 54 that we could not fit them all in, so we’ve put them here for you to enjoy, along with her story. From the call of the Conch in the......